Thursday, July 16, 2009

The label of Ms. Stinky

It's time to lighten the mood. 
I was complaining about the work bathroom air freshener last week.  The fake flower smell is so nauseating.  However, it's only there to cover up stinky bathroom smells.  Our work bathrooms are like you would find in restaurants.   5 or so stalls, 4 sinks. 
Sometimes when you go into the work bathroom, it's not so fresh smelling.  What does one do in that situation?  I don't know about YOU, but I pee as quickly as possible while breathing out of my mouth. 
I dread when I'm in a stinky work bathroom alone.  Because you know that as soon as you step out of that stall, someone is going to open the door, catch a whiff, and think you did it.  When, in fact, you were merely a victim of poor timing and it was the person before you who stunk up the bathroom. 
Now what do you do in this situation?  You've been doing you business extra quickly while concertedly breathing out of your mouth.  You're probably a little flushed by the time you exit the stall.  When you capture eye contact with the incoming bathroom visitor, do you say anything?  Do you say, "It wasn't me!"?  Do you just go about washing your hands and act like nothing's wrong? 
If it's someone I know well, I'll declare, "It wasn't me who stunk up the bathroom." 
If it's not someone I know well, I'm probably blushing because it's embarrassing, which then makes me look guilty. 
It's funny how if there's even one more person in the stalls, it feels like the pressure's off.  But when I'm alone, I feel like the bathroom smell is my responsibility, for some strange reason. 
Am I the only person who is this demented and worries that other people will label me as Bathroom Stinky even if it wasn't me? 


Leigh Ann said...

You are hilarious! At my work, it's 6 women sharing a one seater bathroom. We pretty much have to be like family with each other. You can even HEAR through the bathroom door when someone sprays and you know what they've been doing in there. Narda and I do warn each other if we have just come out and see the other one heading in though. We say...."Uh, you might wanna give that one a minute.."

Wendy said...

It was you. Just admit it.:)

B said...

Stinky, stinky, stinky. :)

Wendy said...

I'm sure your stench will improve now that you're dairy/wheat/nut free.