Saturday, July 11, 2009

The blah blah blog entry

The past day has been busy. Yesterday (Friday) Julia ate 18.5 oz of formula and 4.5 oz of juice/milk, so 23 oz total. Yay!

Yesterday S finally saw the day care center director. We had the appointment June 30th, and the therapist had said that Julia will still need a bottle for a while. And we wanted to impart that information to the center director. I saw her once since June 30th and so had S, but both times she had been talking to someone. So yesterday was the first time in a week and a half that either of us had an opportunity to talk with her. S conveyed the info, which was great. She did mention that Julia was the toughest toddler transition in YEARS. Yes, our little Julia was the toughest infant to transfer to the toddler room. "Transition" is kind of a misnomer since they transition every other toddler for months, and Julia's transition was 3 days. They sent her to play in the toddler room for a few hours a few separate days, and then she was in the room full-time. Oh well, I'm trying to not let it peeve me.

Today we started the day going to get iPhones. Woohoo! Most of me is excited, but another part of me is kind of anxious. Start up of these phones (for 2) is over $500, and then there's the really high monthly fee. I get anxious that S will be getting laid off soon, and then we're stuck with these total moneywasters for the next 2 years.

Then I had my doctor appointment with the nutritionist. She had all these labs run on me along with a food allergy panel. Ugh, ugh, ugh! I'm Vitamin D deficient. Really deficient. That's what happens when you're a closet goth who avoids the sun like the plague. So now I need to take 10x the recommended daily amount for the next 6 weeks to get my amount back up. Then there's the protein deficiency. She had already expected that, so it's not earth shaking. So I have to eat protein with each meal. Then there's the iron deficiency. Not really a surprise either since I've been known to be anemic.

Of course, then comes the really, really interesting part. I'm allergic/intolerant/sensitive to a LOT of foods. These are the ones with a sensitivity level of 3 out of 6 or higher. I'll be going cold turkey on all these foods for the next 6 months, per doctor's orders:

Cheddar cheese
Cottage cheese
Mozzarella cheese
Goat milk
Coffee beans (at least I don't drink coffee)
Soy beans and all derivatives (including Boca patties)
Wheat (breads)
Gluten (ya know, anything with flour in it)
Spelt (whatever the heck spelt is. Looked it up, it's a variation of wheat)
Whole wheat (yes, I get it already!!!! no bread)

The list sucks. Why, you ask? Well, let's just say if you can't eat any of the above or anything that has the above it, you're kinda screwed. Particularly the gluten/flour thing. Then there's cheese. I can live without milk, but cheeeeeeeeeseeeee? What are you doing to me? What in the heck am I supposed to put on my baked potato? No sour cream, no cheese, no butter.

If there's a silver lining on all this, it's that I will likely lose weight on a diet of no flour, no milk, no eggs. Basically I will be living on fish and chicken & veggies & most fruits.

Eating out in restaurants is pretty much out.

The plan is to eat the stuff in our pantry and fridge that includes the above list or pawn it off to my husband or in-laws. Then start cold turkey on the above foods in the next few weeks.

Woe is me, I will not be able to eat any baked goods or pizza or ice cream or pretty much anything tasty. :(


Krista said...

Beth- Wow that is some list. My mom can not have any of those either and she has lost about 50lbs in 2yrs. I had enough problem not eating dairy/caisen when I was nursing. No fun!

Leigh Ann said...

What happens when you eat these foods? What kind of allergic reaction do you have? So sorry it's such a long list :(

Rice...can you have rice? My friend who cannot have gluten eats a lot of rice, I think...

B said...

Hi Krista, I am looking forward to the losing weight part. I mean, how could you NOT lose weight if you don't eat those foods?

LA, I've been feeling like crap for years and years. Icky digestion, inflammation, fatigue. I can eat rice. I actually found some rice pasta today. I'm not hopeful that it will taste like "real" pasta, but I'll see how it goes.

Scrapping in Circles said...

I know someone else who had a tremendous list like that due to allergies. She lost tons of weight, but I can't imagine that would be easy since you'd just crave everything like crazy. The non-fat diet I had to keep during my last pregnancy was difficult enough and I still cheated too often. I did keep my weight gain down though.

By the way, I think they do have gluten free stuff for baking. Check into it.

Marie Tere said...

Not that you should be eating this ... but where does chocolate fit in to your list :)