Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fry an egg on the windowsill

It is HOT!!! And it's only going to get worse this week. Mid-90s all flipping week!

I'm not one to complain about the weather much because I picked to live in a climate closest to what I can tolerate, and why complain about the weather because you can't change it. The lone exception is the torturous heatwave that has been happening and will continue to happen for the near term. I'm hot, cranky, impatient (or more so than normal) and tending to a hot, cranky and impatient toddler who doesn't understand that a cool washcloth and a fan is the best she's going to get right now.

I really, really dislike the heat. It's rained 2 days all summer, it's been really really hot, even the weeds in our yard are dead, and I'm reaching "fed up with the heat" status.

At least work is air conditioned. I feel bad for Miss J because daycare isn't. :(

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