Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 3 without Wheat/Dairy/Peanuts

Puke x3 this morning from Miss J. Gave her a concoction of juice and Pedialyte. She took 9 oz of that + 2 oz of formula before bed. Not great, but at least she's peeing. So far no more puke. We also got 2.5 decent meals into her. She still has diarrhea. She definitely picked it up from daycare since a kid puked yesterday. At first we thought she was reacting to the barium from the swallow study - until we found out that she's not the first victim.

In-laws arrived a few hours ago. They'll stay with Miss J tomorrow. She warms up to them so much more quickly than my mom. It's some peace of mind for us that she should do great getting two people's undivided attention tomorrow.

Day 3 of this no "anything fun" food selection. I don't know what to call it. It's not a diet, per se. It's just a long list of foods I can't eat. Here was today's menu. My appetite was very weak this morning because of cleaning up puke, and then Julia smelled faintly of puke for a while, which didn't help. After I bathed her, she was extra clingy so I couldn't eat.

5 cups of cherries
can of black beans
2 potatoes with salsa on top (this no dairy on potatoes is HARD)

I have 21 points a day, and I think for once in my life I actually came under.


Leigh Ann said...

I have such admiration for you and your willpower!!! If I were a really good friend, I would eat all the foods you cannot your honor. It's what a good friend would do, right? ;0)

B said...

Please eat them for me! Enjoy that piece of cake or pizza.

It's funny how you can absently start to eat something "bad." Like I was getting saltines for Miss J, and I almost took one myself. It definitely makes you more conscientious.