Monday, July 6, 2009

The highs and lows of deli meat

I think deli meat is icky. All around icky. If you buy it in the deli, they use the same machine on all the meats. I don't want ham in my turkey. Then you stick your hands into a bag or container of some sort to take pieces, and they all congeal together so you really have to tug at it. If you are sharing the container with one or more people, the germ factor is gross. Your hands reek as you take meat out of the container. I don't know why all deli meat leaves your hands a gummy wet stinky mess, but it's just nasty. Let's not forget listeria. And, finally, what is deli meat anyway? Mushed up parts of meat sliced up is the best I can determine.

And the high of deli meat? Julia likes it. That mitigates my long litany of complaints against it.

Julia drank 11.5 ounces of formula out of a bottle and 6.5 ounces of milk/juice out of a cup. She doesn't seem to take as much out of a cup while at daycare. I'm not sure if they give her the cup at snacks. I'll have to ask.

And she was displaced again today. This time she went with the 2 year olds. I don't get it. Rosemary is the 2 year old teacher, and Julia/Rosemary have a great relationship.

Her daily report card has a mood rating. Today "happy" was marked. Jessica has never marked "happy." It's usually "sensitive" and "sleepy."

Swallow study is the 14th. Early intervention is the 28th. It would be a very dull time without doctor appointments to look forward to!

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