Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Today's Blitherings and Chase - Again!

Here are a few random things from today:

- I have killed yet another AC adapter for my laptop. I think this one lasted 2 months. The one before it lasted 7 months. Why do I keep killing AC adapters?

- I held a newborn for an hour today, and I don't want another kid. This is common knowledge that I don't want another kid. I just feel like repeating it because most women want babies after holding babies. Sorry, the baby manufacturing facility is CLOSED...unless there is in an industrial accident!

- I have painting angst. This morning I was operating on 3 hours sleep, and I was welcoming painting the basement bathroom for a few hours. Well, the paint in that room (the old stuff) is massively weird. The new paint won't adhere to it, and I know - I should have primed. Instead, I started forcing it, and that probably wasn't the best route to take. After an hour, I just got massively frustrated and quit. Then I started painting the living room instead, got a bit done, took a nap, and then it was time for hubby to come home. I felt like I wasted the whole day off. :(

- It is such a beautiful night tonight. There's quite a chill in the air, though, and that makes it all the more beautiful. I took a walk tonight sans sweatshirt because after painting this evening, I was so hot. After 15 minutes of walking, I was freezing. I love to be cold.

Now I must write my Chase hate story of the day. First of all, I got a check that's above the threshold where I would deposit it into the ATM. So I have to go in person...ugh. All of my interactions with Chase don't seem to go well. I was detained once, then once I was forced to go speak with a person behind a desk instead of a teller. There were a few other weird things, too, but mostly I just don't like them.

So I'm standing there at the kiosk filling out my deposit slip. Then this guy (mid 20s?) scares the bejeezus out of me. "Why are you here today?" he asks. He's wearing a Chase shirt.

I stare at him. I'm not even done filling out my dang deposit slip. "Making a deposit."

"I can help you with that." Seriously, why does he have to invade my personal space? There's 1 teller who is occupied, but I'm more than happy to wait my turn with her. But nope, he drags me to his desk. Ugh, this again. Why oh why oh why must I go through this crap when I go to make a deposit?

He starts inputting into the computer. I stand there next to the desk. He tells me to sit down, he won't bite. I want to roll my eyes. What stupid crap are you going to try to sell me? I just want to make my deposit. I don't want to be stuck talking to you for 15 minutes.

He asks if I want a receipt for my deposit. Well, duh, it's a lot of money, so YES! Then he says he needs to see my ID. Why? I'm making a deposit. New rules, he says. WTF? The teller comes over to retrieve my ID, deposit slip, and check.

This is such a racket. Now I can't leave because my ID is being held hostage. At this point, he is really getting on my nerves as he starts going through my accounts. Then he starts talking about the new debit card rules and that stupid overdraft protection crap. He said that in August they will automatically switch you to that plan unless you opt out.

No, I don't want overdraft protection. Deny my purchase if there's not enough money in the account. He says most people want the overdraft protection, blah blah blah, it gives you peace of mind, blah blah blah. I know how much is in my account. I'm not going to use a debit card for more than is in my account. It's pure common sense. And if there is a debit card transaction that's for more than is in my account, chances are it's not me making the transaction. Hence, I would want it to be denied anyway.

Can he please SHUT UP? He must be getting commission off of everyone he signs up for it. But if everyone's going to switch over husband told me when I got home that it's actually the reverse. You have to opt for to the coverage; the default is to have no overdraft protection. I swear the banker told me the opposite. All I wanted was to get my ID back, get my receipt for the deposit, and get the heck out of there.

The banker put three forms in front of me, and I signed the "no" option on all of them, as he said to do if I didn't want it. Probably the idiot tricked me into signing up for it.

Then he started on his next spiel, but I said I had to go and zoomed off.

Why does Chase give me such a headache every time I go in? It feels like I'm being swindled every time I talk to the workers there.

I said this to someone recently, and I will say it again. Most finance people make me cringe. It's their demeanor, the way they treat you, and their superiority complex. It really grates on me.


Kirstie said...

I use USAA! It's the best, no tellers, no ATMS. Deposit my checks via a picture on the iPhone. I LOVE it! You should switch.

B said...

I am a member of USAA and did have a checking account there several years ago. I have heard about the iPhone deposit feature, and wow, it does sound nice!!! USAA or a credit union does have a lot of appeal.

The hassle of switching is on my mind. We have 6 accounts, which are all linked to payroll & outside savings accounts & automatic debit payments. Switching all that seems like a lot of work. I know, it will be worth it in the end though!