Saturday, August 15, 2009

Rules of the Money Blog

The Money Log will start in September. I thought I should set out the guidelines of what will be logged so there's not confusion on my part. And if anyone else wanted to do it as well, it would get them thinking of the rules they want to use.

Rule 1: Every expenditure of money from my personal or the joint account must be logged and itemized, including routine expenditures such as utilities and grocery store purchases.

Rule 2: Even if the purchase is put on a credit card, it must be logged.

Rule 3: Cash transactions are dissuaded since it's easier to "forget" to log.

Rule 4: Expenditures must be logged into the blog at least once a week.

Rule 5: Cost savings, coupons, strategies for minimizing the cost outlay must be considered before the purchase.

I'll add to this list as other considerations come up.

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