Thursday, August 13, 2009

The problem with a "nice" letter...

is that you get this response. What do I do now?

"It is not an issue for us to work with Julia’s needs, all of her accommodations can be met. I was unaware that she was on and IFSP. However I completely understand.

Please know she a part of our family and you will always have a place here if you choose to stay or come back.

We will miss you all so much."


Leigh Ann said...

You say "Thank you so much that she will always be welcome with you. Hopefully she will be back soon!"

And then you go merrily on your way :0)

April said...

Again, for about the 10th time....ditto leigh ann's response.

You have made a decision. Stick with it and stand firm. You know what is best for your child.

B said...

Ugh, but why does my heart and S's heart say to give it another month? If they actually implement the things I say, I'd be happy.


Leigh Ann said...

And ditto April's last remark! YOU know what is best for your child. Take it from will feel so much better when you get her in a place that you have confidence in. Trust me!

Karin said...

yup the other mommies are right again.

you have given them so many chances - do we need to have an intervention? :)

and think about this... the old place says she's always welcome to come back. so try the new place for a month (or a week) and if it's not the right fit, take her back.

i think you'll know after a week (maybe even the first day) whether or not you'll keep here there.


Scrapping in Circles said...

How could they not have known she was IFSP? Didn't they listen to you tell them numerous times? That alone would bother me about that place.

I agree with the other moms. Try to new place and if you don't like it you can always return. Remember to give the new place a chance though. It will take Miss J a while to get adjusted to it and for them to figure her out. (This is true of all children. I wasn't singling out Miss J.)