Julia really hasn't had a "lovey" or security object. She has her pacifier, but for many months that's all she had. Then a month or two ago she started hugging her bottle of body wash as soon as she got into the bathtub. Sometimes she'd hold it for most of her bath. Kind of a weird security object, huh? The two of us were thinking we'd have to start putting her to bed with her body wash. Finally she's started to hug her purple lamb. So we've been putting the purple lamb to bed with her. Sometimes she reaches out and clings to it as she falls asleep. Yay - security object!
I'm starting to feel old and prudish. This morning S was mowing the lawn, and Julia was playing. I wanted the TV on in the background, and I found the "Best Week Ever" on VH-1. I love those shows that make fun of celebrities and reality shows. And it's easy to watch with Julia nearby. During a commercial break, there was a commercial for a vibrator. Okay, it was a "fingertip maasager," close enough for government work. I do not think that's appropriate. It's Sunday morning at 10am. Yeah, it's VH-1, but it's not like I was watching the Playboy Channel. Geez! So not appropriate. Maybe I'm 81 instead of 31. Some days I certainly feel like it.
Julia cut her foot yesterday. I'm not quite sure how she got such an evil cut, but I have a feeling it had something to do with her stiletto toes, and one toe scraped her other foot. But anyway, her toe bled on our sheets. I was using Oxyclean to get off the blood, and it was kind of cool to watch the Oxyclean work. The blood stain was really streaky, and the Oxyclean foamed on just the bloodstain. So there was streaky foam. It was really cool looking. Most of the time I use Oxyclean on tomato sauce and cheese sauce, and it doesn't do that on food stains. Or even poop stains. But it does some fantastic foam work on blood stains.
Hey, I have a toenail cutting trick that has been working pretty well for me. If I sit and hold him on my lap and cut his toenails, he is fascinated by the clipper and has to reach out and hold it. He lets me do his fingernails with no problem...but the toes, he must "help" me. Soooo....now, I clip them when he's in his highchair! Voila! He cannot reach his toes past the tray. Problem solved. I was quite proud of myself for coming up with that...but it's probably something that every other parent in the world already knew to do but me. lol
Waylon loves anything silky. My SIL gave him this little blue "Comfort Silkie" blanket. It's the size of a sheet of paper. I give it to him and his fingers go straight into his mouth and he turns over to sleep. I would like to have another one like it to be able to switch out, but I think they are kind of expensive(for me at least). He also has his "douglas"(because it says "Douglas" on the tag) that has the same effect on him. It's one of those little stuffed animal heads with a blanket for a body. It's the only one I've ever seen that does not rattle. I hate the ones that rattle. Not very conducive for putting a child to sleep.
I bet the little purple lamb is too cute!
I wouldn't want to see that ad on during daytime hours either. Those ads should be reserved for night time slots! Call me a prude too :0)
Sorry for the rambling this morning....
High chair toenail cutting - ingenious!!! I'll have to tell Stephan. She'll probably pummel us to death with her feet, but it's worth a try!
We have 2 of those little blankets with silk around it. One rattles though. I'd offer to send you the other one but it's pink and says Julia. That might not work! :)
You're lucky to have Miss J not "attached" to any object. Our eldest must have a certain animal with her every night. I purchased two extra ones early on and I'm down to only two again. I can't find these things anymore and it is such a pain. Our second child, on the other hand, likes to have something at night to hold, but it doesn't really matter what it is. That makes going places so much easier.
(I had a bear that I had to have at nighttime. I still remember one boat trip where he got left home. My sweet mom tried by rolling a Donald Duck towel up for me to sleep with. It just wasn't the same.)
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