Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Anonymous has checked. Should I delete the last post??? Oh, I don't know.

Happy Birthday, L! Did you know you share a birthday with Tupac? He was quite a person. Contrary to popular thought, he wasn't all bad. With very few exceptions, I don't think people are 100% bad. He actually has some good music with a GOOD message. Okay, all that is disguised by the fact that he has some very misogynist lyrics in some songs, but there are other songs that are very pro-woman.

As he was a Gemini, Tupac had two very different sides of his personality.

I miss him. It would have been interesting to see how he developed his life had the whole East Coast/West Coast stuff didn't happen.


Leigh Ann said...

Don't delete...you did great :0)
I always thought Tupac was kinda cute...

April said...

I had to get caught up in your blog drama Beth! Wow, who'd a thunk that your little mommy blog could create such drama! LoL. Don't delete it! I love watching stuff like this. Why do you think I stayed on babycenter for so long?