Sunday, May 10, 2009

Nerves, nerves, nerves

Mother's Day was nice even though I don't like it as a general rule. S did cooking and cleaning, and I got to rest. That was the best gift ever! S made lasagna and garlic bread and salad for my mom, me and Miss J. Yum!

We gave Miss J her last food for the night. She only ate 11 oz today plus 3 small meals. That's what we use night feedings for - to get her to some reasonable total. Because of the endoscopy tomorrow, she can't eat until 2pm tomorrow. That makes me nervous - her going so long without anything. I'm nervous about the procedure. I am glad they could get her in so soon, I'd rather get it done now instead of wait a month. Today she was gagging a lot and had that infamous awful appetite, so it's about time we take a look inside her body and see if anything is awry.

My nerves and I are going to play some Sudoku to distract ourselves. Full report tomorrow.

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