Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A miniscule amount of willpower

Orgasmic cookies

I freaking love these cookies.  They are the softest, most delicious sugar cookies topped with a yummy frosting and then sprinkles.  They come in packages of 10 (I think...they never last long enough for me to count).  I will do whatever you want if you promise to give me these cookies as payment.  It's that bad. 

When I went to the store on Monday, these were on sale for $1.  $1 for 10 of the most delicious cookies ever (200 calories each, btw).  $1 for a little slice of heaven.  I wanted them so bad I could taste them.  I wanted to open the plastic container then and there and munch on them as I walked the aisles.  My desire for these cookies is endless.  And it could be justified with the $1 price tag. 

Alas, I didn't open them then and there & shove them into my mouth as fast as possible.  I didn't even put them into the cart.  I stared at them lustfully without even fondling them.  But then I told myself NO, and I walked right on by. 

Two days later, and I'm still thinking I made the wrong decision.  Who needs self-control?  I should have bought at least 5 packages.  50 cookies would have lasted me until at least yesterday evening.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Funny, I hate those cookies. They are icky and sweet to me. That's why I bring them to events sometimes. I know I won't be tempted! The first time I tried them, they looked so yummy. Then I had a bite and thought yuck.