Monday, October 19, 2009

The last time I Shredded...

Julia was about 8 months old and crawling rather slowly. While I Shredded, if I saw her moving toward me, I had about 30 seconds to move out of the way. Now she's 16 months old and wants to do jumping jacks right next to me. Her jumping jacks look like the standard toddler dancing with some arm gesticulations. When I do push ups, she climbs on me as if I'm a horse. I already have to "push up" my own weight, I don't want to add 20+ pounds of her weight to my already tired arms.

Have I said that I like toddlerhood a whole lot better than infanthood? I think with our dear Miss J, she was freaking pissed off when she was born that she couldn't do anything. With every milestone where she could exert some control over her life, she became slightly more at peace with the world. For most kids, I think they are happy when they reach the 3-6 month milestones. But not Miss J. She became more content at roughly 13-14 months old. I think we've recently seen another big jump in her happiness due to being able to communicate more. She's not saying a whole lot. Actually I think she uses more sign language than words. The point is that she's able to communicate the major things, and that alleviates all of our frustration levels.


Melissa said...

Other than the "help" you are getting, I hope Shred is going well.
Miss J sounds a lot like my Miss A. About the time I thought I was going to lose it (14 months old or so), she got better. Thank goodness!

Melissa said...

you have an award at my blog!! :)

Krista said...

I am doing my shred in the morning before she gets up for that exact reason! Well except for this morning because M was awake from 1-3:30 then back up at 6:30, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

B said...

Melissa, thank you very much!

Krista, I don't know how you do it. You're so darn patient. Miss M, stop giving your mom a hard time. She has research and Shredding to do!