Monday, December 27, 2010


My mind is empty.  Just empty.  Not from exhaustion, or being "done," or sadness, or anything.  I'm just blank for no reason, and I take that as a good thing.  I'm not run down or overwhelmed.  I just am. 

However, a blank mind is not good for blogging because, well, there is nothing to blog about.  I'll be regrouping soon and either coming up with a to-do list or a cool book I read or a complaint.  Don't you worry, I'll be back with something.

I was quite proud of myself because I got a 2011 goal done before 2011.  Yep, I made that list of 10 goals for 2011, which I'm too lazy to link to.  Well, I actually finished one!  It would be the goal about redoing the retirement account asset allocation.  One evening in the past weekend I laid it all out and pounded it out.  So everything should be all good for a while.  Let's hope I don't go 2.5 years without looking at it again!  I doubt it will go that long since, well, I don't think I'll be having another baby and buying a fixer upper back-to-back in the near future. 

Hope everyone is doing great!  May you have a plethora of Christmas leftovers to see you through to the new year. 

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