Friday, February 18, 2011

10 Day Challenge, Day 6

The challenge origin is from here.

Five foods.  Well, that's freaking easy.  So I'm trying to make it a little harder.  Five foods that pleasantly surprised me - those foods that I thought I wouldn't like at first sniff/glance, and I actually was wowed by them.

1. Feta.  Love love love feta even though it smells and looks a little suspicious.

2. Pesto.  Pesto is wet, green, and kind of lumpy.  Kind of STD looking (and yes, I worked at a gynecologist so I feel like I can make analogies to STDs).  But it's very yummy - pesto, not STDs.

3. Teriyaki sauce.  Seattle has a heavy Asian influence, and my mother hates spice and Asian food. Therefore, I wasn't really exposed to a whole lot of Asian food or spice growing up.  Once I tasted teriyaki in college and I really liked it.  Now I have something to order when I go to Asian restaurants, and we have teriyaki chicken at home.

4. Gumbo.  It was one of those intimidating foods that I really wasn't sure about, but it was really good.

5. Cumin.

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