Monday, June 28, 2010

Staying on the wagon hopefully

Well, six people will be leaving the house soon. It was a good visit overall. It's always sad to see people leave because you don't know when you will see them next and on what terms you will see them next.

I think there were about 1,500 June pictures taken. I've got to upload pictures of their visit to Facebook. Right now the prospect of going through them all is a little daunting.

Now that the house is starting to empty, I've really got to focus on healthy eating. Last year I had food allergy testing done because of my neverending list of symptoms, and it turned out that I was basically allergic to everything. For a few weeks, I cut out all of the offending foods, and I really did feel better. The problem is that I can't eat anything if I stick to it, and that truly sucks.

Here are some of the results. The green means that I can eat as much as I want, the yellow means to eat it 1-2 times a week, and the red means once a month or less. This basically tells me I can't eat any dairy, and I can eat chicken and lamb.

Then there are the grains and legumes. I suppose the best part is that I can eat as much corn and corn products as I want. As for gluten, must. stay. away.

I had a few other high ones, but the dairy/gluten/nuts were the big categories. Makes me want to eat a hot fudge sundae topped with peanuts and a side of warm bread just to irritate my digestive system.

So, for the zillionth time, I'm going to try to stay on the wagon. It's got to be one of the hardest things in the world, and I have no willpower. But it's worth it to feel better, right?


Anonymous said...

Great Harvest has gluten free brownies. But you probably didn't need to know that... :) Amy

B said...

Amy, I bet they have eggs though. :( And soy :( And some dairy derivative :(

I'm so glad I'm not allergic to cherries. I think I'm going to have to live on them this summer.

Anonymous said...

Met Market has some really good vegan stuff. W/ the Z Man digestive episode of last year - I too was searching for non-dairy non-soy non gluten treats. Founf them there.... But after reading all the labels, it's almost not worth it. Might, however, work in a pinch...