Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What not to name a boy

Julia has a new crush.  Daniel's mom decided to stay at home with the kids, so Julia's got her eyes set on a new guy now that Daniel's not around.  Laundry detergent guy. 

Let me be clear, I like unique names for the most part.  Where I get iffy is when I can't decipher the gender from the name.  I know our culture steals the boy names and gives them to the girls, which limits the pool of boy names to about 5.  To my knowledge, the girls haven't stolen Matthew, John, Patrick, Joshua, and Daniel...yet.  I'm sure there are plans to take those over too.

I recognize that having a unique boy name is somewhat difficult.  But really, must you name your boy after laundry detergent?

When I was commenting about Julia's new love, do you know what my husband said?  He said, "Isn't that the name of a porn company too?"

1. OMG - yes, it is a porn company in addition to being the name of a laundry detergent!
2. Wait, how does my husband know the names of the porn companies?
3. Wait, how do I know that it's the name of a porn company?
4. I wouldn't name my child after a porn company. 
5. Dude, I should have figured out the porn company thing before my husband did.  I'm falling down on my job. :)
6. As a public service and to not embarrass your child(ren), make sure the name you want to use isn't the name of a porn company.   Pretty please???  If you must, name your kid after laundry detergent, but draw the line at porn. 
7. Tide is kind of an ethereal name, isn't it?

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