Monday, April 11, 2011

Let There Be Light

I've lived here for 20 years now, and only in the past two or so years have I realized how utterly depressing winters here are.  We are fairly north, so the winter days are short.  Short short. As in, I go to the work in the dark (7:45am) and come home in the dark (4:30pm). Anything that requires anything close to natural light, like weeding or walking, is extremely prohibitive to do on weeknights. Then there's the weather. This winter especially has been horrible. Rainy, soggy, cold, blustery.  Just miserable.

It may have taken me 18 years to realize it, but I can kind of see why people want to go south in the winter.  Maybe just a little.

This spring I really noticed how the longer days help the soul.  The sheer amount of light (6:30am - 7:30pm) is quite nice. The weather's still mostly crappy, but today there were some episodes of clear skies. I call them episodes because they last the length of a sitcom. Still, they are good for the soul..

Tonight I went to the grocery store at 7pm-ish.  Dusk was approaching, and I realize just how much I love dusk in non-winter.  In winter dusk is like at 3:30pm, which is just wrong.  Dusk in spring is so scintillating.  I don't know what it is. Okay, maybe it's that there's a chill in the air, but it's not a bitter chill.  It's the dusk chill, which is a staple of spring, summer, and fall.

I'm ready for some warmer weather.  Just don't give me any 100 degree days, okay? I'll try to take some 80 degree days without complaining...too much.

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