Sunday, September 6, 2009


Sunday Purchases

$26.63 Gas for my car
$33.26 Costco - 4 food items: ketchup, chicken, ground turkey, salsa

We had friends come down today. It was great to see them! And we looked at two houses this evening. We really liked one of them. It does have a water view, an awesome deck, a nice master bedroom, a Mt. Rainier view, one of the best neighborhoods in the area. Oh yeah, it is niiiiiiiiiiiiiice. The kicker is that it's only 300 square feet bigger than what we have, 1 less bedroom, and the kitchen needs updating.

The landscaping is freaking incredible. We suck at yard maintenance, but at least it has a sprinkler system.

Oh what to do, what to do.

Julia's eating has trailed off, as expected. It's not as bad as it was a few weeks ago, but it's not close to her recordbreaking Friday.


Leigh Ann said...

Good luck on the house hunting! I am sure you will know the right one as soon as you see it :)

Waylon has started boycotting his booster seat. He only wants to eat on the run now. It is driving me NUTS!! Fixing to blog about it...

B said...

Do you have those booster seats like at restaurants? You'll have to show me a picture. He seemed to do his high chair okay. Maybe he didn't like the transition?