Monday, May 23, 2011

The new club I'm starting

I love stand-up comedy.  I can appreciate most comics.  I like the high-brow ones, the low-brow ones, the ones that talk about porn, the ones that talk about politics, the ones that talk about celebrities, the ones that talk redneck, etc.  My husband is more of a high-brow stand-up comedy type of person.  He'll say he isn't - he'll say that he just likes comedians who are funny.  Of course that insinuates that any comedians that I like that he doesn't like are unfunny.  Which isn't true.  He just has this thing called "standards" that I don't have. 

Everyone, particularly the female contingent, has been raving about the comedian Daniel Tosh.  Anyone heard of him?  I have read entire articles and posts about how fantastic this guy is.  I like comedy, I have Netflix, let me watch some Daniel Tosh. 

After watching 12 minutes and 43 seconds of Daniel Tosh doing stand-up, I had to turn it off because I was so offended.  Maybe that's his schtick - being so offensive/not PC that it's funny.  Ummm maybe.  Or maybe he's so high-brow that I just don't "get" him.  At all.  Within 12 minutes and 43 seconds, he made fun of homosexuals and then said New Orleans deserved the hurricane and hoped it happened again to them.  There were other un-funny things too.  When my forehead crinkles that much when I supposed to be enjoying something, I know that it's best to cut bait.

Then I heard another person rave about him again.  This person raved about his good looks and timing. I thought maybe I need to give him another chance.  Tried again.  Maybe I could at least stare at his good looks even if he was un-funny.   He was even more intolerable the second time. 

Now I suppose I can be in the anti-Daniel Tosh club.  Based on all the womenfolk I know, I think I'm the only member.  And, again, why I feel like I will be kicked out of the girls club at any second. 

I think my AC adapter is going to blow.  The thing is seriously wicked hot.  As in I'm going to give myself a third degree burn from it.  Um, I better go.

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