Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Confirmation of something I already knew

I just woke up after going to sleep at 6pm.  Yes, 6pm.  I'm amazed I slept continuously given that early bedtime.  I've got to stop taking naps on my days off and on weekends.  Screws me up, and I'm no longer a teenager who can plow through with no ill effects.

I don't work today; however, I have 3 different furnace dudes coming by (12pm, 2pm, 4pm), and then I was going to try to paint some of the garage this morning.  Umm, can I go to work instead?  Sounds a lot easier. 

Several weeks ago I bought a loaf of my favorite cinnamon bread (it's kind of like a cinnamon apple coffee cake in bread form) for Julia.  The girl can eat a loaf of bread over the course of several months, which means she can't eat a loaf of bread because it's a moldy mess before she ever gets through with a loaf.  So I had to help her, i.e., I ate 3/4 of it over the course of a week.  The gluten in it completely messed up my system.  I know this because it was the only difference in my new normal diet (lots of lean meat, fruit, veggies, beans). 

Last week there was an awesome Breyer's ice cream sale, and of course I had to get several cartons with those fun flavors.  I've eaten a hideous amount of ice cream in the past week.  And my system is again screwed up this week, much like it was when I had the cinnamon bread.  My elementary conclusion is that indeed I am intolerant of both dairy/gluten, and it doesn't take a genius to say that this purports with the food allergy tests I took 2 years ago. 

No more ice cream. No more bread.  I've got to get back on the wagon in a major way and STAY on the wagon.  A little bowl of ice cream looks so benign on the surface, but it sets off my system + it starts to topple the wagon.

Going to try to catch a few more hours of zzzz's, take Julia to daycare, and then (hopefully) paint the garage and then wait for my line of dudes to come by.

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