Saturday, March 2, 2013

Explanation of Previous Entry

My last post was my February by the Numbers-I sent the picture from my phone, and it's hard to blog via my phone. Hence, separate post. February overall was a balanced month. I did a little bit of everything, and I was quite good with exercise. I'm typically always good with exercise, but sometimes I think I just say that but really am not. Fortunately that doesn't seem to be the case because I do exercise for an hour or so every other day, averaging out to half an hour a day. Sure, I theoretically could do more, but I think 30 minutes a day is decent enough.

My weight...well, that's been pretty much the same. I've been exercising. I've stopped snacking before bed. I'm keeping a steady eye on what I eat. There's a number of possible reasons that I've only lost ONE pound in two months. Muscle weighs more than fat, I don't have that much to lose, I've basically been doing the same exercise regimen I've been doing for the past several years, I still eat a cookie or candy here and there...

I really do need to pay closer attention to food intake to keep myself honest. It's the start of a new month (writing this on the morning of March 1st, probably will post after I complete this). Not sure whether I should use my app for nutrition counting or here with pictures or my FB group. My app tells me that if I eat 1,300 net calories per day (total calories - the number of calories I burn), I'll lose 1 pound a week.

Shall I try it and see if I actually get those numbers? Couldn't hurt.

Happy March!


Wendy said...

I think those net calorie projections are WRONG. I did that and lost no weight. I increased my calories and weight started coming off. Use a tape measure, works better to maintain sanity.

I still have a hate/hate relationship with my scale... It's one of those body fat ones and I didn't realize how off it was until I had a whole body DEXA scan. And, I was told I was still eating too little. I'm going to have a VO2 max exercise text to gauge my metabolic rate soon to further refine. When all else fails, my fallback is science...

B said...

I remember how little you were eating and how frustrated you were. That's so cool that you're getting your metabolic rate tested. I'd be geeking out on that too!