Sunday, November 20, 2011

Whew...halfway done

This weekend was exhausting but productive. I don't know how, but I got everything done on my list.

- Did a big grocery trip Friday night
- Went to a toy sale bright and early on Saturday.
- Went to 2 craft bazaars.
- Took Julia to swimming class. 
- Met the new neighbors. They are our age! (No kids though)
- Wrote 3,000 words Friday night - Saturday night.
- 3 loads of laundry
- Joined a credit union - finally! I keep whining about Chase but don't switch over.
- Made butternut squash soup.
- Saw my mom.
- Took a bath.
- Joined Costco.
- Went to the Costco event.
- Got Julia's Santa pictures done. It was the FIRST time she 1) actually sat on Santa's lap and 2) didn't scream like a banshee.
- Won a $25 gift card for a local pizza place from a scavenger hunt.
- On Sunday wrote 5,000 words. (I'm halfway there! 25,000 words so far, only 25,000 to go!)
- Made a Costco trip.
- Went to Fred Meyer (grocery store).
- Bought a second turkey.
- Vacuumed
- 5K practice
- Downloaded pictures off my camera.
- Took a nap.

I'm ready to collapse.

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