Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The fog has not lifted. What is wrong with me? Did I catch malaria in the backyard or something?

To review: I slept 13 hours on Sunday. Today I had a horrible headache. Then I went to bed at 8pm. 8pm!!! I couldn't even stay up for Murder She Wrote; even the 80 year olds won't accept me into their group!

I lie. I put Miss J to bed at 8:04pm. Then I brushed my teeth and set my alarm. Thus, it was about 8:10pm before I fell asleep. Usually I lay in bed for at least an hour before I fall asleep. My mind is too busy. But not last night.

And I slept well. I woke up at 3:30am, but since my body can't sleep continuously for that long normally, I'll take it. 8:10pm - 3:30am. 7 hours.

Tired again, back to bed for a few more hours.

Possible reasons: cancer, malaria, yellow fever, iron deficiency, cancer of the 20 other organs I didn't think about initially.

This is too depressing to think about. 'Night.

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