Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Costco - repost from 7/21/2007

One of the many things that I've never really understood is the allure of Costco. I'm not a fan of the place after having a membership for about three years. Here's why it's not for me:

- Its hours are ridiculously short. It's usually closed by 8pm.

- Insane amount of people

- Checkout lines are long. I have 1 thing and have to stand in line for 1/2 an hour.

- Not a very pleasant shopping experience

- It's hard to leave the store without spending $100, and you only end up with 4 things...if that.

- At least 3 pounds of my extra baggage is due to the family-sized bags of chocolate covered pretzels. :)

- I hate standing in line to get OUT of the store. Of all the stores in the world, it is probably the most difficult to shoplift from Costco. It's hard to get the 10 lb pickle jar in your coat. For some reason they still insist on matching your crap to your receipt before you are allowed to leave.

- The prices aren't that great. I do better by just watching the weekly grocery sales. But we don't have kids, and maybe it would be different if we did.

- Costco promotes overconsumption. Big packages and big carts lead to buying more crap, need a bigger car to haul it all home, need a bigger house to put all your just keeps going and going.

What's a con list without a pro list? Costco isn't ALL bad. Here's the good:

- It's kind of nice to buy a 3-year supply of garbage bags at one time.

- Food samples

- The aforementioned chocolate covered pretzels, yummy frozen yogurt, grilled chicken caesar pizza

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