Sunday, July 8, 2012

Thoughts from my picture food diary

This week I did a picture blog of the food I ate throughout the day. I didn't get any big epiphanies since I kind of already knew what I ate. I eat healthy stuff intermixed with junk: frozen fruit bars, lollipops, cookies, etc.

One thing that did become more clear was that when you *need* to eat something, it's more calorie efficient to eat something that takes longer to eat (like a lollipop) than shoving a handful of cookies in your mouth.

Thus, it probably makes sense to severely limit the sweets in the house to lollipops or something like that. It's amazing how quickly I can eat 10 cookies.

This past week I had off from work for a paid mandatory, week-long vacation. When I started at the organization 11.5 years ago, I loved my first paid mandatory vacation in the summer. Back then it was 2 weeks. I was a newlywed, had a newly built house with not much work to do, no child. It was basically 2 weeks of complete freedom, which meant staying up until all hours of the night watching movies or Nick at Nite, sleeping in until noon, eating popsicles, and reading. It was ultimate laziness, and I loved it!

Now the vacation has a much different feel. It's shorter. There are more responsibilities, I suppose. My schedule can't get too haywire since I have a perky 4-year old who is going to wake me up by 6:30am whether I go to bed at 9pm or 4am. On this vacation I woke up to a to-do list each day. Friday was nice because I took Miss J to the amusement park (she likes roller coasters!), but it was taxing at the same time.

Times change, and I suppose people need to change with them.

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