But how in the heck do you clean the gook? It's a constant struggle. Her ears are sooooo nasty. You're not supposed to use Q-tips. Due to the ear tubes in particular, NOTHING is supposed to get near the ear opening, including water. Should I just continue with a bit of hydrogen peroxide?
When I try to take a picture & get this:
I know it's time to do something, but I don't know what to do. Isn't that a wicked shade of amber? It's extra toxic ear wax. Not garden variety canary yellow. No, she's got some rust-colored, toxic crap.
By the way, I know her hair is simply awful. It's a hideous texture with some curl to it. I keep hoping it will grow long and weigh itself down. Maybe in 2015.
our ENT says just wipe as best you can and that the amber color is perfectly okay.
i use bobbypins to clean my ears...
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